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2024-05-17: Data open


This file includes half-hourly hyperspectral reflectance data in BHR (bi-hemispheric reflectance) and HCRF (hemi-conical reflectance factor) in Cherwon rice paddy in 2023. 

# @Author  :
Jeongho Lee (

Youngryel Ryu (

# @Institute: Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
# @Data: Cheorwon Rice Paddy 30 minute averaging reflectance data (HCRF, BHR)
# @version: 0.1
# @FileTree
# @ scaling factor: 0.0001
# @ description: L2 represents the reflectance factor (HCRF: Hemispherical-Conical Reflectance Factor, BHR: Bi-Hemispherical Reflectance). Each row of the table represents datetime [YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS], and each column represents wavelength [nm]. Radiometric and wavelength calibration were conducted using an integrating sphere and a wavelength light source on May 11, 2023. During the DN to Signal processing, data filtering, outlier removal, and smoothing were not conducted. If you would like to process the raw data yourself, please let us know. We will share the observed raw data and the light source measurement data.

Data Citation

We require citing those two papers when you use this data.


Dechant, B., Ryu, Y.*, Kang, M. (2019) Making full use of hyperspectral data for gross primary productivity estimation with multivariate regression: Mechanistic insights from observations and process-based simulations. Remote Sensing of Environment 234, 111435. [HTML

Yang, K., Ryu, Y.*, Dechant, B., Berry, J.A., Hwang, Y., Jiang, C., Kang, M., Kim, J., Kimm, H., Kornfeld, A., & Yang, X. (2018). Sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence is more strongly related to absorbed light than to photosynthesis at half-hourly resolution in a rice paddy. Remote Sensing of Environment, 216, 658-673 [HTML]  

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