It is time for AGU. Our group gave 3 oral, and 9 poster presentations virtually.
We joined Asiaflux virtual meeting. Jiangong gave an oral presentation, and Jongmin and Sungchan gave poster presentations.
Jiangong, Jeongho and Zilong joined a field trip to Gwangneung forest.

Yorum and Jongmin visited Cherwon site. Yorum mastered this tower long time ago. She is the expert in cleaning Li-7700!

Farewell photos for Sai and Henock. Good luck in your next careers! Creative gifts by Wonseok.

Ben's NIRvP manuscript has been published in Remote Sensing of Environment! Congratulations Ben!! Dechant, B., Ryu, Y.*, Badgley, G., Köhler, P., Rascher, U., Migliavacca, M., Zhang, Y., Tagliabue, G., Guan, K., Rossini, M., Goulas, Y., Zeng, Y., Frankenberg, C., & Berry, J.A. (2022). NIRVP: A robust structural proxy for sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and photosynthesis across scales. Remote Sensing of Environment, 268, 112763 [HTML] (2022.01)
New lab title! Thanks Tackang to take care of this.

Goniometer arrived! It will be used to calibrate our spectral sensors at very high precision.

Changming Yin will join the lab as a postdoc early next year. Welcome Changming!
Tackang and Ryoungseob are busy to collect ground truth tree data in Suwon City!

Beautiful autumn at Gwangneung Forest. Our spectral sensors are working well.

Lab Youtube channel has been created by Tackang. [LINK] We will upload animations regularly!
We are hiring! Please spread:
Zilong Zhong joined the lab as a postdoc. Welcome Zilong- He will strengthen our ML works!

Nice collaboration between drone (wonseok, sungchan and juwon) and tower based spectral sensor (jeongho, jongmin, sangjun) teams!

Field trip to Taehwa Mountain flux site.

Jeongho is checking our hyperspectral system

Tackang and Ryoungseob collected a massive amount of street trees information!

Juwon's CubeSats NIRvP manuscript has been submitted to Agricultural and Forest Meteorology! Nice collaboration with Berkeley Biomet Lab and Planet Labs!
Drought experiment went well with dedicated folks.

Jeongho and Sangjun built and installed one hyperspectral system in a rice paddy flux tower site by RDA

Xing first visited our field site. His first visit was Cherwon rice paddy site! This photo was taken at ~1 m.

Youngryel's birthday. Thanks for all of you!

Sangjun and Jeongho visited Jeju site for checking our hyperspectral system

Time flies! This is the 10th year anniversary of the lab! Congratulations for all!
We have made a new lab webpage, and renamed the lab: Ecological Sensing AI Lab!
Jeehwan's manuscript, entitled "The magnitude and causes of edge effects on soil organic carbon stocks within and across urban to rural forest patches" has been accepted for publication in Landscape and Urban Planning. Congratulations!
Hyperspectral+lidar drone data were collected in a rice paddy and deciduous forest!

Drought experiment was conducted via teamwork! Yorum, Jongmin, Tackang and Ryoungseob worked together

We had a farewell party for Vaibhav. He has been working on mobile lidar+vision system over 1 year 10 months. He will return to his home country, India!

Youngryel started an Associate Dean position (2 years term).

Ecological sensing workshop was held at Jeju Island. Workshop and field trip to the flux tower site.

We will have a new postoc, Zilong Zhong! His background is computer science/vision/ML. He will join the lab this Nov. Welcome Zilong!
This is a really hot summer, but our field works continue. Below is Yorum and Jongmin's drought experiment.

Ryoungseob made a new lab logo!

Tackang joined the lab as a research intern, and will start Master course from this Sep. Welcome Tackang! He will take the lead mobile ecological sensing platform.

Jongmin is a MacGyver. It is his hand-made ChlF system!

Jeehwan passed the final defense of his dissertation. Congratulations Dr. Bae. The first PhD in the lab!

We had a farewell party for Seungjoon. He will join Ying Sung group at Cornell as a PhD student in this Aug. He has contributed to the lab in many things, including event makers. We will miss you!

Lab T-shirt designed by Seungjoon!

We had group photos with the new T-shirt.

Drone work at Gwangneung Deciduous Forest! Wonseok, Juwon and Sungchan are the trio of our great drone team

Calibration of hyperspectral sensors by Jeongho at Cherwon rice paddy site

Our dark room was installed at Deep Space Lab! Monochromater, light source, and several toys are there!

Xing Li joined the lab as a postdoc. Welcome Xing!! He did PhD with Jingfeng Xiao at UNH and had made impressive papers for SIF.

Wonseok, Juwon and Sungchan collected hyperspectral+lidar from our drone in the rice site

Our first Master degree student, Hyungsuk got the PhD from UIUC under Kaiyu Guan. Congratulations Dr. Kimm!

Canopy photo at Gwangneung forest by Jeongho. Hotspot and darkspot are clear!

Yulin is preparing the N/drought experiment for the rice on the rooftop. He is mastering Li-600 and Li-6800!

Jeehwan is processing a lot of soil samples from urban deep places.

Drought experiment! Yorum, Jongmin, Sangjun prepared a lot of necessary things.

Ryoungseob's new toy, Leica LiDAR is now in the urban park. He is scanning a lot of trees.

We secured a new space! As there is no windows, we call it, Deep Space Lab (DSL). It will be very helpful to achieve social distance across lab spaces.

Henock Mamo started as a Software Engineer! Welcome!!

Jongmin’s ENF SIF paper has been published in Remote Sensing of Environment! Congratulations!!
Jeehwan is collecting a massive amount of deep soil samples of Seoul!

As usual, we did a ceremony with new members and their flags! Sheir brought his KAIST flag a bit late, and Sangjun “made” his flag on time!

Jeongho and Jongmin visited Jeju island site to check how to install our hyperspectral system.

Ryoungseob, a new Master course student, was awarded the “Best Honor Graduate” from our department. Congratulations!

Jeehwan was awarded Excellent Graduate Student in BK21 Four by SNU! Congratulations!

Ben Dechant is leaving the lab. He will start a new job at Leipzig in Feb. We prepared several events for him! We will miss you Ben-

This winter brought a lot of snow! This is one day from my office.

Folks prepare/manage new hyperspectral system in Gwangneung flux tower.

Ben did his final field trip to Cherwon rice paddy site.
