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2022 News

Updated: Jan 6, 2023


  • Lab joined AGU Fall meeting in Chicago. We had a wonderful time with science, people, and alumni.

  • AGU arrival photo!

  • Lab reunion dinner. Very glad to meet old members including Seungjoon, Jongmin, Yorum, Hyungsuk, Jeehwan, and Jiangong.

  • SIF social dinner at AGU!

  • The last dinner at AGU

  • We had a lab retreat to celebrate the end of the year! We enjoyed the seminar, dinner, and toured Chongyechon.

  • Ryoungseob received CALS startup competition award! Congratulations!

  • Tackang, Ryoungseob, Daewon and Youngryel joined to the Korean Society of Climate Change Research Fall Meeting in Jeju. This was Daewon's first academic conference!

  • BK21 team served the lunch for us. Thanks!

  • Ryoungseob was awarded Yulchon AI prize! He earned 7,000,000 KRW!! Big congratulations! [LINK]


  • Sungchan's manuscript about monitoring diurnal variations of GPP from geostationary satellite was published in Remote Sensing of Environment! Big congratulations!! [LINK]

  • Jungho and Sangjun visited Jeju site and did radiometric calibration of our hyperspectral system

  • Tackang, Ryoungseob and two interns, Sungwoo and Daewon joined to the field trip in Suwon city to scan street trees with a terresetrial LiDAR.

  • Kazu Ichii visited us after three years of pandemic! We discussed applications of geostationary satellite.

  • Yorum was offered a postdoc postiion from Lucy Hutyra group at Boston University. She will start next spring. Congratulations!


  • Jongmin's paper about filter based SIF detection system was published in Remote Sensing of Environment! Big congratulations! [LINK]

  • Changhyun Choi joined the lab as a postdoc. He just completed PhD from ETH about radar+lidar for forest biomass monitoring.

  • Sangjun and Youngryel visited our new site of wetland. Beautiful island!

  • Juwon, Sungchan, Wonseok and Youngryel joined to the Korean AgroForest Satellite meeting in Daejeon.


  • Wonseok "apparently" crossed the Han river! Congratulations!!

  • Youngryel joined Berry Symposium at Carnegie. This was a wonderful event to celebrate this extraordinary scientist's career.

  • Youngryel visited Berkeley Biometlab before joining to Berry Symposium. Visited Berkeley after three years of pandemic. Very glad to meet Dennis, Joe, Daphne and biomet juniors!

  • Dinner with Joe Berry's old friends

  • New postdoc, Liang Wan joined the lab! Welcome Liang! He will focus on leaf-tower-satellite upscaling of fluxes.

  • We all enjoy hamburger!

  • Lab folks celebrated Youngryel's birthday!

  • Youngryel gave a lecture at Seoul Science High School about photosynthesis


  • Smartcity folks joined the World Smart City Expo

  • We had a farewell party for Yulin!

  • Impromptu lunch at Hamburger restaurant

  • Juwon served four summer interns and some other members. Wonsok said "Nuclear thank you"

  • Wonseok is busy with collecting leaf spectrum for early detection of stress

  • Sangjun visited Jeju for checking our spectral system. Wonderful weather


  • Yorum's manuscript for greening Seoul has been accepted for publication in Landscape and Urban Planning! Hurray! Big congratulations Yorum! [HTML]

  • Four intern students joined the lab. Welcome Jonghyun, Hun, Yunsoo and Seongwoo!

  • Huaize made this monthly lab youtube! Amazing job [LINK]

  • Huaize enjoyed Busan!

  • Jeongho, Wonseok, Tackang and Ryoungseob made funny animation

  • Juwon served his Korean junior folks in raw fish restaurant!

  • Yulin and Jeongho attended and gave presentations in the annual meeting of Korean Society of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology held in Pyoungchang.

  • Jeongho and Sangjun visited Jeju site and did radiometric calibration of the spectral sensors


  • Yulin passed the final defense! He gave a wonderful final talk after Youngryel's introduction. Congratulations Dr. Yulin Yan!! He will be our 3rd PhD!

  • Lab dinner after a long covid19. We had a great time!

  • Jeongho was offered a PhD course in the same lab! We look forward to your exciting adventure!

  • Youngryel, Juwon and Sungchan joined the NIFOS Forest Satellite Workshop in Gangneung. Three also visited Kyungpodae while back to Seoul.

  • Our field team is ultra collaborative.

  • Minsung and Huaize made this arm for precise radiometric calibration!


  • Happy Teacher's day!

  • Chongya sent photos with wearing our lab T-shirt!

  • Xing served hamburgers to lab folks!


  • Ryoungseob made this amazing youtube that shows vehicle vision based tree detection! [LINK]

  • Farewell party for Jiangong! He will join to Pierre Gentine's group. Thanks for your great contributions and good luck for the new position!

  • New decoration of the lab door

  • Spring is coming up in Gwangneung forest


  • Juwon's NIRvP paper was selected in "Editor's choice". Congratulations! [LINK]

  • Our alumni, Ben Dechant was listed in Top 20 Best Reviewer in Remote Sensing of Environment. Congratulations Ben! [LINK]

  • Jeongho and Sangjun installed a new rotaprism at GDK site. This is a novel system that measures BHR and BRF in VNIR and SIF.

  • Sangjun and Juwon visited Cherwon rice paddy site and collected drone and LiDAR data


  • Jonmin got the PhD. He is now Doctor. Congratulations! Sungchan earned the master degree, but due to covid19, he could not join the ceremony.

  • Changmin Yin joined the lab as a postdoc for NRF project. He will take the lead in BESS. Welcome!

  • Huaize Feng joined the lab as a PhD student. He will focus on SIF and crops. Welcome!

  • Juwon's manuscript for CubeSat based NIRvP was accepted for publication in Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. Congratulations Juwon!! [LINK]

  • Juwon received Excellent Research Award by BrainKorea21. Congratulations!

  • Yunsoo Nam joined the lab as an internship. He will work with Tackang about LiDAR. Welcome!

  • Jisu Han from Columbia University visited us, and gave a seminar on her PhD thesis work about response of canopy conductance to droughts.

  • Huaize first visited Cherwon rice paddy site with Sangjun and Jeongho. This site will be the key playground of his PhD course!

  • Yunsu, Tackang and Ryoungseob visited Suwon city to collect ground truth GPS points and LiDAR data


  • We had a farewell event with Bolun Li and Sheir Zaheer. Bolun is going to return to his home, NUIST, Nanjing, and Sheir got the new job in a deep learning company in Seoul. Congratulations both of you, and we will miss you!

  • We had a group workshop and dinner. Virtually, several alumni also joined, Hyungsuk, Ben, Vaibhav and Sai.

  • Hyungsuk KImm (the 1st graduate in the lab) will start an Assistant Professor at Department of Plant Science, Seoul National University. This is a great news for all of us! So he is the 2nd SNU Professor from the lab after Prof Youngkeun Song (1st postdoc in the lab). Interestingly, Youngkeun is now sabbatical leave at UC Davis while Hyungsuk is a postdoc at UC Berkeley. They met in Berkeley and visited my old office. What a history!

  • Lab is welcoming new members. Dongok will join as a software engineer. Changmin Yin will join as a postdoc who will take the lead in NRF-Midcareer project (BESS). Huaize Feng will join as a PhD student who will focus on field hyperspectral and SIF studies. They are going to join soon!

  • Jongmin and Sangjun visited Cherwon site. It was <-15C.

  • Juwon, Wonseok, Tackang visited Gwangneung forest to scan canopy structure (LiDAR) and spectral data under leafless conditions.


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