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2014 News


  1. Jeehwan’s paper has been published in Landscape and Urban Planning. Congratulations to Jeehwan!!

  2. Bae, J.**, & Ryu, Y.* (2015). Land use and land cover changes explain spatial and temporal variations of the soil organic carbon stocks in a constructed urban park. Landscape and Urban Planning, 136, 57-67 [PDF] (2015. 4)

  3. Yan Huang from Nanjing University will join the group as a postdoc fellow from next July. Welcome Yan!! She will work on carbon balance mapping in East Asia and in-situ observation of land-atmosphere interactions in a rice paddy.

  4. Youngryel, Chongya, Hyungsuk, Seungjun and Yorum attended AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco. The group photo with our intellectual grandfather, Dennis Baldocchi at UC Berkeley. During the AGU, our group contributed five presentations.

  1. Berkeley Biomet group lunch photo during the AGU

agu2014 biometlab
  1. Just before AGU, we visited UC Berkeley. One group photo in front of Youngryel’s office building, Hilgard Hall.

  1. Youngryel and Chongya attended the annual meeting of NCAM project in Jeju.

  1. Yorum’s birthday! Congratulations!



  1. Celebrating Jeehwan’s return from Military Service Training Course!

  1. Jeehwan’s manuscript has been accepted for publication in Landscape and Urban Planning!!!!!! This is the first student-led journal paper in the group. Big congratulations Jeehwan!

  2. Bae, J.**, & Ryu, Y.* (2014). Land use and land cover changes explain spatial and temporal variations of the soil organic carbon stocks in a constructed urban park. Landscape and Urban Planning, In press

  3. Our proposal, “Multi-satellite remote sensing of terrestrial carbon balances in East Asia” has been funded by National Research Foundation Jumping (Do-Yak) Project (three years)!! We are looking for new members (postdoc or graduate students) to work on this project.

  4. Youngryel attended ForestSAT meeting held at Riva del Garda in Italy and gave a talk about LED-sensor derived multi-layer canopy phenology monitoring.

  5. Jina is enjoying her internship at LSCE, France under guidance of Sebastiaan Luyssaert and Phillipe Peylin.



  1. The lab had a farewell party for Tomoki.

  1. Youngryel contributed to the Lee Vierling’s review manuscript submitted to New Phytologist.

  2. Vierling et al., (2014) Spectral metabolics: Emerging findings, methodologies, and implications of estimating canopy gas exchange using remote sensing. New Phytologist, In review

  3. We had a farewell party for Jeehwan who will enter military service traning course this Thu.

  1. Youngkeun’s manuscript has been accepted for publication in Journal of Hydrology! Congratulations!

  2. Song, Y.**, Ryu, Y.*, & Jeon, S.** (2014). Interannual variability of regional evapotranspiration under precipitation extremes: a case study of the Youngsan River basin in Korea. Journal of Hydrology, In press

  3. Dr. Nobuko Saigusa from National Institute for Environmental Studies in Japan, and Dr. Jehn-Yih Juang from National Taiwan University visited the lab. We discussed recent research topics in East Asia biogeochemical cycles.

  1. Tomoki Ishimaru at Tokyo Institute of Technology is visiting us as an research internship during this month.



  1. Hyungsuk’s manuscript has been submitted to Urban Greening & Urban Forestry.

  2. Youngkeun’s manuscript has been submitted to Trees.

  3. We had a farewell party for Jina. She will visit LSCE (Philippe Peylin’s group) for four months as a research internship to study isotope modeling in ORCHIDEE.

  1. Youngryel’s birthday!



  1. Jeehwan’s manuscript has been submitted to Landscape and Urban Planning.

  2. Jongmin successfully completed 2-months internship in the lab. He is planning to apply master course to our lab next year. Farewell party to Jongmin.

  1. Seungjun’s birthday!

  1. The group members enjoyed a lunch in the stream of Gwanak mountain, just 2 min from the office! Hyungsuk and Jeehwan prepared seaweed-wrapped rice and plums. We will have more lunches here in hot, sunny days.

  1. Chongya joined our lab! We visited Gwangneung forest and had a dinner together. He will manage LED-sensors in the forest.



  1. Chongya Jiang has joined to our lab as a postdoc fellow. He brought his wife and one baby and his family will live at BK International Apartment at SNU. Welcome Chongya!

  2. Hideki Kobayashi visited the lab to collaborate in canopy SW and LW radiative transfer modeling. He visited the Seoul Forest Park and worked with Hyungsuk to use FLiES to simulate canopy carbon and water fluxes. Hyungsuk learned the principles and applications in FLiES and will work during the autumn. We had nice dinners and lunches with Hideki (and Marie).

  1. Jongmin joined the lab as a research assistant intern. Welcome!

  2. Jeehwan returned from honeymoon in Hawaii.

  3. Jina’s birthday! Congratulations!

  1. Youngkeun’s birthday. Congratulations! Hyungsuk received the birthday gift after three months.

  1. A group photo after a lab meeting



  1. Jeehwan got married on 28 June 2014! Congratulations!! Group photo at the wedding house. We missed Youngkeun.

  1. Yo-Rum was offered a master course at SNU! She became the official lab member. Welcome!

  2. Dr. Keunchang Jang (Kangwon National University) visited the lab and discussed a model intercomparison project of East Asia ET.


  1. Craig’s RAW LAI paper has been accepted for publication for Agricultural and Forest Meteorology!

  2. Macfarlane, C., Ryu, Y., Ogden, G.N., & Sonnentag, O. (2014). Digital camera photography: exposed and in the raw. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, In press

  3. Professor Saewung Kim from UC Irvine visited the lab and gave a seminar, entitled “How do biosphere-atmosphere-human interactions determine tropospheric oxidation capacity?”

  4. Beer in The Cafe

  1. Hyungsuk and Jeehwan attended iLEAPS meeting at Nanjing. Hyungsuk gave a talk on his leaf traits work in Seoul Forest Park and Jeehwan gave a poster presentation on his soil carbon work at Seoul Forest Park.

  1. Teacher’s day-



  1. The FIRST lab manuscript has been accepted for Remote Sensing of Environment! Congratulations to all lab members-

  2. Ryu, Y.*, Lee, G.**, Jeon, S.**, Song, Y.**, & Kimm, H.** (2014). Monitoring multi-layer canopy spring phenology of temperate deciduous and evergreen forests using low-cost spectral sensors. Remote Sensing of Environment, 149, 227-238

  3. Jeehwan’s manuscript on SOC stocks in an urban park has been submitted to Ecosystems. This is the first manusript written my lab student!

  4. Bae, J.**, & Ryu, Y.* (2014). Large spatial and temporal variations of the soil organic carbon stocks in a constructed urban park. Ecosystems, In review

  5. Lab members visited Seoul Forest Park and helped Hyungsuk to plot surveys

  1. Ryu lab had open lab for undergraduate students. Each lab members gave short presentations on their recent work. Over 20 undergraduate students attended and they enjoyed pizza!

  1. The lab had a group dinner at VIPS. On average, members had four dishes with steak. Big eaters.

  1. Group lunch at BBQ



  1. Youngkeun’s manuscript has been submitted to Journal of Hydrology

  2. Song, Y.**, Ryu, Y.*, & Jeon, S. (2014). Interannual variability of regional evapotranspiration under precipitation extremes: a case study of the Youngsan River basin in Korea. Journal of Hydrology, In review

  3. Yo Rum Hwang joined the lab as a research assistant. Welcome!

  4. Chongya Jiang will join the lab as a postdoctoral fellow this July. He will get PhD at Chinese Academy of Sciences under supervision of Dr Hongliang Fang this June. Welcome

  5. We had a farewell party for Soohyun. She will exploer her next career.



  1. Two manuscripts submitted. In particular, one of them is the first lab manuscript. It took 2.5 years.

  2. Ryu, Y., Lee, G., Jeon, S., Song, Y., & Kim, H. (2014). LED-sensors monitoring of multi-layer canopy spring phenology of temperate deciduous and evergreen forests. Remote Sensing of Environment, In review

  3. Macfarlane, C., Ryu, Y., Ogden, G.N., & Sonnentag, O. (2014). Digital camera photography: exposed and in the raw. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, In review

  4. Galam’s birthday!

  1. Seungjun gradauted and joined to the Ryu lab as a master course student. Welcome!

  1. We celebrated a happy new Lunar year in Youngryel’s home. Eunjin kindly served yummy foods. Always thanks for her. Oliver joined.

  1. Dr Oliver Sonnentag visited the Ryu lab for one week and worked on camera RAW image acquisition/processing experiment. Also Oliver gave a lecture on his recent work in eddy covariance measurements of greenhose gase fluxes in Taiga Plains

  1. Youngryel gave a keynote speak at Global Vegetation Monitoring Workshop held in Avignon, France. Great place, nice people, wonderful food. After the workshop, Youngryel visited Fred Baret’s lab in INRA.


Reunion with my mentor, Dennis Baldocchi, and Martin Beland at Avignon.


Lunch with Fred Baret(white hair)’s group members. After the workshop, Fred kindly invited me to visit his lab in INRA and showed me his recent phenotyping work. (From left: Youngryel, Alexis Comar, Fred Baret, Shouyang Liu)


  1. Junsheng Hao visited the lab and finished MODISAzure system in my Azure account. He stayed five days and taught to Soohyun, Galam and Yeoreum. Microsoft Research kindly funded 40,000$ for Azure cost. MODISAzure system will accelerate our BESS works.

  1. Sebastiaan Luyssaert visited the lab and gave a lecture on his recent work, “do forests cool the Earth?”

  2. Kazuhito Icchi visited the lab and discussed potentiall collaborative projects using BESS.

  3. Ryu lab enjoyed a joint MT/seminar with Prof Jinkyu Hong’s group (Yonsei Univ) at Hongcheon Vivaldi Park

  1. Group lunch


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