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2015 News


  1. A new 360D camera, Ricoh Theta S! We purchased this camera after visiting Joe Verfaillie’s office at Berkeley. We believe this camera will be perfect to monitor field situations. This may directly link to Google Street View. So cool!

  1. Farewell to 2015!

  1. Jina’s manuscript has been submitted to Geophysical Research Letters!

Jeong, J.**, Ryu, Y.*, Lee, D. (2015) Trees growing through impervious surfaces use shallower water sources: A stable isotope study. Geophysical Research Letters In review

  1. Total nine lab members attended AGU. So nice meeting. Our lab well represented through the meeting and we initiated a series of collaborative works with international scholars.

  1. During AGU, Berkeley Biomet group enjoyed a nice luncheon. So nice to meet all members there.

  1. Sanghee’s birthday. Congratulations!

  1. Fall semester is ending. A group photo of Urban Ecology class. One of best class in my career. Excellent students.



  1. Seungjun’s manuscript has been accepted for publication in Environmental Research Letters! Congratulations!

  2. Yorum’s manuscript had been submitted to Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.

  3. A series of project reports/meetings have been done.

  1. Minkyu in NCAM visited us and taught the eddy covariance system in Cherwon site.

  2. Yorum’s birthday! Congratulations!

  1. Jane’s birthday- Congratulations!

  1. We visited Cherwon site and collected soil samples.



  1. Hyungsuk’s manuscript has been accepted for publicatoin in Urban Forestry & Urban Greening journal! Congratulations!

  2. Seungjun’s manuscript has been submitted to Environmental Research Letters.

  3. Lee, S.**, Ryu, Y.*, & Jiang, C.** (2015). Urban heat mitigation by roof surface materials during the East Asian summer monsoon. Environmental Research Letters, In review

  4. Lab meeting. Hyungsuk was giving a talk about SiF observation system.



  1. Hyungsuk was offered a PhD course from Prof Kaiyu Guan, University of Illinois at Urban Champaign (UIUC), with a full scholarship over four years which includes tuition, stipend, and health care. Congratulations Hyungsuk!

  2. Soyoun Kim joined the lab as an internship student. She plans to apply our lab for her master course. Welcome Soyoun!

  3. Prof. Gayoung Yoo (Kyung Hee University) starts a visiting scholar in our lab during her sabbatical leave (Sep 2015 to Aug 2016). We expect to collaborate with her on N2O emissions in a rice paddy and biochar. Welcome Prof Yoo!

  4. Dr. Jonghun Kam (Princeton University) visited the lab and gave a lecture, entitled “Has global warming changed timing of winter-spring streamflows over North America?”

  1. Happy Birtday Prof Ryu-

  1. It was fantastic day (Sep 8). Blue sky, no clouds, comfortable weather. We could not resist on such wonderful weather so went to the stream next to the building. We enjoyed lunch. Seungjun did not bring camera but bring his sunglass. This year seems very dry as stream water was almost dry.

  1. Happy Birthday for Soyoun! Soyoun started the internship in the lab from this month.

  1. We had a farewell party for Prof Song, Wonseok and Jisu, and welcoming party for Dr Huang and Soyoun. Big changes in lab members. Woseok and Jisu successfully completed summer internship program through analyzing spatial and temporal patterns of NDVI in AVHRR over East Asia. Well done, good jobs.



  1. Yan Huang jointed the lab as postdoctoral fellow. Welcome Yan!!

  2. Farewell party for Junhaeng! He has completed two months internship to investigate how climate extreme events influence on the vegetation activity.



  1. Group lunch at BBQ!

  1. Dr Youngkeun Song was offered the faculty position from Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Seoul National University!! We are all excited to this great news. He is the first faculty member from the lab. Big Congratulations Professor Song!! We enjoyed the dinner for Prof Song.

  1. Congratulations Jina and Chongya’s birthdays! Don’t get confused. Seungjun was not the birthday!

  1. Youngryel, Jongmin and Jane enjoyed the field trip to Council, Alaska funded by KOPRI project. A lot of mosquitoes, and fun. We met bears, salmon, and musk ox. We collected many samples of hyperspectral reflectance, LAI, chlorophyll, and light response curves. We intended to measure A-Ci curve but CO2 catridge was not allowed in the passenger airplane. Good lesson to learn which items have to be shipped in advance to the field trip.



  1. Jongmin and Jane were offered the Master Course programs! Congratulations and welcome to join the lab!

  2. Jisu and Wonseok joined the lab as summer internships. Welcome!



  1. The lab had a group dinner to celebrate Sanghee and Junhaeng. Dr Taekyung Yoon joined the dinner.

  1. Junhaeng Ho joined the lab as a research internship. He is undergraduate student at U Nebraska. Welcome and we hope he can learn a series of biometeorological studies in the lab.

  2. Jane Lee joined the lab as a researcher. She is the assistant researcher in the KOPRI and she will take the lead in the Arctic project. Welcome!

  3. Hyungsuk got married on May 16th. Most lab members attended his wedding at Daegu to celebrate his wedding. Congratulations!

  1. Teacher’s day! Thanks for the great gift, the Globe

  1. Eddy covariance and SiF (Sun induced chlorophyll fluorescence) system have been installed in a rice paddy site at Cheolwon. This is the teamwork with NCAM to monitor rice situations funded by Korea Meteorological Administration.

  1. Dan Fay, Director of Earth and Environment in Microsoft Research, visited the lab to discuss our current research and Azure.

  1. Youngkeun’s manuscript has been accepted for publication in Ecological Research. Congratulations!

  2. Song, Y.**, & Ryu, Y.* (2015). Seasonal changes of vertical canopy structure at a temperate broadleaved forest in Korea. Ecological Research, In Press

  3. Sanghee joined the lab as lab manager to take care of administrative stuff and field trips. Welcome Sanghee!


  1. Youngryel attended the workshop at KOPRI (Korea Polar Research Institute) and decided to join the research project in Alaska which will continue over the six years.

  2. Professor Yongwon Kim visited the lab and gave the seminar, entitled “Effect of thaw depth on fluxes of CO2 and CH4 in manipulated Arctic coastal tundra of Barrow, Alaska”

  3. Professor Hyungjun Kim visited the lab and gave the seminar, entitled “Advances in modeling and remote sensing of global hydrology”

  4. Dr Kazu Ichii visited the lab and discussed about carbon cycle research in East Asia


  1. Birthday! Apparently, Jina and Seungjun’s birthday, but actually, Hyungsuk’s birthday 🙂 We needed 29 candles.

  1. Youngryel attended Titta Majasalmi’s PhD defence at University of Helsinki. Youngryel was the pre-examiner in her thesis. Other pre-examiner was Inge Jonckheere, and the opponent of her thesis was Sari Palmroth. Titta’s two advisers, Drs Pauline Stenberg and Miina Rautianien, hosted Youngryel. In Helsinki, Youngryel finally met Dr Tiit Nilson (Tartu Obervatory, Estonia) who contributed two LAI papers in 2010. Also, Youngryel gave the Departmental seminar at U Helsinki on the monitoring of multi-layer canopy phenology in Gwangneung forest.


Lunch with Tiit Nilson, Pauline Stenberg, and Miina Rautiainen.


Dinner party after Titta’s defence. Very formal- dress code was black coat.


From left: Miina Rautiainen, Sari Palmroth, Pauline Stenberg, Titta Majasalmi, and Youngryel


  1. Lab dinner celebrating new semester, Jina and Hyungsuk’s return to the lab-

  1. Hyungsuk graduated! Congratulations! He is the first degree-awarded student in the lab history.

  1. Dr Donggill Kim visited the lab and gave the seminar, entitled “Climate change in Ethiopia: impact, adaptation and mitigation”

  1. Jongmin’s birthday!

  1. Youngryel, Chongya, Yorum and Seungjun attended the NCAM workshop held at Pyeongchang SNU campus. Youngryel gave a talk about BESS derived water use efficiency and crop coefficient maps, and Chongya gave a talk about the Smart Surface Sensing System (4S).

  1. We are testing the eddy covariance system at Yoncheon rice paddy site with NCAM.



  1. Group dinner for celebrating Happy New Year!

  1. Youngwook (U Montana) and Min Jung (Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry) visited the lab and gave presentations for their recent research.


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