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2016 News


  1. Two manuscripts have been submitted to RSE and GCB. Fingers crossed!

Ryu, Y.*, Jiang, C., Kobayashi, H., Detto, M. (2016) MODIS-derived global land products of shortwave radiation and diffuse and total photosynthetically active radiation at 5 km resolution from 2000. Remote Sensing of Environment Submitted.

Jiang, C., Ryu, Y.*, Fang, H., Myneni, R.B., Claverie, M., Zhu, Z. (2016) Intra- and inter-inconsistencies in global long-term satellite leaf area index products. Global Change Biology Submitted.

  1. We had a group dinner to say good bye 2016~ Juwon and Jeehwan will return to the lab from 2017!! Welcome!

  1. Happy Birthday to Yorum!

  1. Youngryel and Yan attended International Workshop on Agromet and GIS Applications at Jeju. Youngryel co-chaired the session “Meteorological Technology for User-customized Agricultural Management” and Yan gave a talk on BESS-Rice model.

  1. Lab members visited Cherwon site. Kaige fixed QEPro, Jongmin fixed diffuse PAR sensor, Yorum collected soil samples.

  1. We had a lab lunch before Christmas Eve.

  1. We attended AGU fall meeting! We had three oral presentations, and five poster presentations. Chongya joined the meeting on Thu after a long struggling with US Embassy to get the visa.

  1. Soyoun and Kaige gave oral presentations at AGU! Congratulations your debut to AGU stage!

  1. Youngryel joined annual BerkeleyBiomet lunch in AGU.



  1. X-project for the 2nd year has been funded! Our sensing network+satellite phenology research will keep continued.

  2. Happy birthday for Jane!

  1. First snow came in Cherwon site!

  1. Yorum learned how to calibrate eddy covariance IRGA instruments from Dr. Minseok Kang, NCAM

  1. Saadat Malghani and Hyojung from Yonsei University visited Cherwon site to collect soil samples. They will analyze microbial diversity and will join the next year field work to understand how microbial processes regulate CH4 emissions in the paddy rice.

  1. Staff of Resonon Inc. visited us and discussed how to measure spectral reflectance from hyperspectral camera, Pika.



  1. Youngryel has accepted the invitation to join the Steering Committee in the project, “Improved Ecosystem Productivity Modeling by Innovative Algorithms and Remotely Sensed Phenology Indicators” led by Ivan Janssens (PI), Manuela Balzarolo, Shilong Piao and Philippe Cias. We hope our BESS and Cherwon flux+spectral data could contribute to this project.

  2. Youngryel has accepted the invitation to join the editorial board member in Remote Sensing of Environment.

  1. Jongmin and Chongya visited Cherwon paddy rice site and calibrated 4S systems. Fantastic spectral data has been accumulated!

  1. We were surprised to see green-up after harvesting. Careful attention must be given in interpreting spectral data.

  1. Jeehwan has been collecting soil samples (owing to one construction company!) up to 10 m under impervious and pervious surfaces in Seoul. We are so excited to collect those unexpected samples, which will reveal the history of buried soil carbon.

  1. Kaige visited Cherwon site and did a simple experiment on SiF at the white surface.



  1. Very excited to announce that we open the BESS products dataset to the public through HERE.

  2. Chongya’s updated BESS manuscript has been published at Remote Sensing of Environment. Congratulations!

  1. Yorum attended ICOS2016SC held in Helsinki, Finland. She gave a poster presentation about our Smart Surface Sensing System. She joined the field trip to boreal forest and peatlands.

  1. Jongmin’s hyperspecral camera work in the paddy rice site. See the large spatial variation in NDVI (bottom) image! So heterogeneous landscape with different managements.

  1. Jeehwan’s first baby was delivered! Congratulations!

  1. Soyoun’s birthday- Congratulations~



  1. Trevor Keenan from Lawrence Berkeley National Lab is visiting us. We shared our RSE paper to Trevor to initiate our collaboration for global terrestrial carbon cycles. Trevor gave a lecture on data-model fusion for predicting carbon cycles and the causes and consequences in recent reduction of airborne fraction of anthropogenic CO2 emissions. We discussed Chongya’s global LAI intercomparison project, global NEE trends from BESS, Soyoun’s climate extremes and global GPP, and Jongmin’s phenology work. A great opportunity to strengthen our collaborative works.

  1. Chongya’s manuscript for BESS has been accepted for publication in Remote Sensing of Environment. BIG congratulations Chongya! This has been a long-term project and you have made it!

  2. Lab members are busy with AGU abstracts! All 8 lab members will join this Fall AGU meeting.

  3. We had a farewell party for Hayden Mahan and welcome party for Kaige Yang in a sushi restaurant. Kazu Ichii from JAMSTEC, Japan also joined to this dinner. We will reunion with Hayden at San Francisco, AGU!



  1. Hayden Mahan invited lab members into Cocky Pub. Members enjoyed lots of fun until 2 am!

  1. Kaige Yang who just got BS degree from Nanjing University has joined us! She will start the Master course from this Sep at Interdisciplinary Program in Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. Welcome Kaige~

  2. Kaige was awarded SNU Global Scholarship! Congratulations Kaige-

  3. Jina got married! Congratulations! Group members joined the wedding and congratulated her wedding. Hayden and Yan first experienced Korean wedding!

  1. We had a farewell lunch for Hyungsuk. He will start a PhD course at University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign under Prof Kaiyu Guan. Good luck in your PhD course-

  1. Prof Hyungjun Kim from the University of Tokyo visited us and gave a talk, entitled “GSWP3/LS3MIP/CMIP6: Community Efforts on Global Land Surface Modeling and Validation/Benchmark Frameworks”



  1. We enjoyed the welcome dinner for Booyoung and Hayden! Hayden drunk soju in all one-shot, competed with Jongmin.

  1. BK21 Plus Team led by Youngryel was awarded “Outstanding achievement award” from National Research Foundation.

  1. Prof Jennifer Vanos at Texas Tech Univ visited us and discussed understanding urban heat based on the principles in biometeorology.

  1. Hayden Mahan (Oklahoma University) joined us as a research intern funded by NSF EAPSI (East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes for US Graduate Students). He will stay in our lab over the two months and investigate spatial and temporal patterns of carbon and water fluxes around US Great Plains derived from BESS. Welcome Hayden!

  1. Yorum Hwang was offered a PhD slot from SNU! Congratulations! She will continue her research with us!

  2. Ben Dechant from Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Germany will join us as a postdoc fellow. We are all excited about his acceptance to the job offer and very much look forward to having him soon. He will take the lead in SiF project.

  3. Youmi Oh who just finished MS from Princeton Univ visited us and gave a talk, entitled “A scalable model explaining methane consumption in Arctic mineral soil.”

  4. Prof Xiangming Xiao (U Oklahoma) visited us, gave a lecture, and discussed remote sensing of paddy rice. He visited our paddy rice site too. We will initiate our formal collaboration from rice mapping project.



  1. Buyoung Park joined our group as an administrative staff. Welcome!

  2. Prof Yongwon Kim (U Alaska Fairbanks) visited us and discussed phenology of tundra.

  3. 4S system is on! It includes RGB and NIR cameras at nadir and 57 degrees view with RaspberryPi microcomputer, LED spectral sensors combined to Arduino, which all together are connected through Wifi internet. It is a smart spectral systems which will monitor vegetation structure and functions.

  1. Jongmin is the key person in making/installing 4S. He has been persistent although encountering a series of unexpected issues. Great job!

  1. We worked together with NCAM staff, Minkyu and Jaeil. Nice teamwork.

  1. Teacher’s day. Thanks to all!

  1. Undergraduate students visited the lab!


  1. Transplanting rice was done on Apr 29 (Fri). Below photo was taken by our 4S system! We are able to monitoring the site all the time.

  1. Our proposal, entitled “Monitoring canopy photosynthesis through remote sensing of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence” has been funded by National Research Foundation! This will be a three year project (0.1M$/year) which will investigate chlorophyll fluorescence from leaf to the globe.

  2. Soyoun and Youngryel attended EGU. This was the first international meeting for Soyoun. Youngryel met Andrew Richardson, Josep Penuelas, Oliver Sonnentag etc.

  1. Irrigation started in Cherwon site. Left (Apr 15, by Minkyu), Right (Apr 21, by Hyungsuk). Initial irrigation was so heterogeneous.

  1. Our 4S camera captured a bird in Gwangneung forest! Bird attacked our spectral system which was damaged. So Jongmin attached several needles around white cosine corrector.



  1. Yorum’s manuscript has been published from Agricultural and Forest Meteorology! She published the paper during Master Course, which relayed the legacy by Jeehwan, Hyungsuk and Seungjun. Congratulations!

  2. Jongmin is working hard to upgrade LED+camera system which is supported by NRF X-project. He is going to install the system in a deciduous broadleaf forest and a rice paddy, which will automatically monitor vegetation phenology.

  1. Hyungsuk’s birthday. Congratulations!

  1. Hyperspectral camera arrived! We will use this camera to monitor crown-level phenology and extract SiF images.

  1. Spring semester started!



  1. We welcome two new lab members: Dr. Ju-Hyoung Lee for BK21 Research Professor and Ms. Geunmin Park for lab administrative staff.

  2. Congratulations for graduation of Seungjun and Jina for Master Degree and Soyoun for Bachelor Degree! Soyoun’s mom prepared a yummy lunch for us (below image).

  1. Congratulations on Jongmins’ birthday!

  1. Lab members were all working hard to install two spectral systems that will continuouslyobserve Sun-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence (QEPro, Ocean Optics) and hyperspectral reflectance in VIS to NIR domain (Jaz, Ocean Opitcs). We are still testing a series of technical issues.


  1. Dr. Rodrigo Vargas (University of Delaware) visited us. We discussed carbon and water cycles in Mexico and developing ecosystem respiration model which will be incorporated into BESS. He gave a lecture, entitled “Carbon dynamics and water relations from plots to continental scales” We enjoyed a series of meals including Youngryel’s home food served by Eunjin.

  1. Lab members visited Cherwon rice paddy site to install temperature controller, SiF, hyperspectrometer, and N2O chambers. Extremely cold weather! Enjoy below Theta 360 camera!

  1. Dr. JiHyun Kim (Indiana University, Bloomington) visited the lab and gave a lecture, entitled “Hydrological impact of Hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA) infestation on downstream freshwater yield: early assessment using a spatially-distributed ecohydrological model.” More than 20 people around the campus attended this interesting presentation.


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