We had a farewell party to Chongya and Liu. Chongya has made enormous contributions to our works across diverse topics. He is going to join Kaiyu Guan’s group at UIUC from 2018 Jan. Liu finished three months visiting student position by testing BESS ET against flux towers in dry region in China. Our best wishes for your continued success!

Our group gave six presentations in 2017 AGU. We met our alumni (Hyungsuk Kim at UIUC now) and former exchange student (Hayden Mahan at Campbell Sci now).

Jongmin/Yorum/Ben had a meeting with Oliver for Korea-Canada collaboration project during AGU.

Reuinon group members at Carnegie/Stanford. Yougryel introduced Carnegie/Stanford and enjoyed whole day. Lab members left to NOLA to join AGU.

DGE festival for holidays! What a fabulous place.

New baby arrived!! Ben and Xingmei welcomed their first boy! Big congratulations!!
Youngryel gave a seminar at NASA JPL about remote sensing of global radiation, energy and CO2 fluxes, hosted by Josh Fisher. Very interesting place where science and engineering meet!

Youngryel has accepted the invitation for serving as Associate Editor in Remote Sensing of Environment. He will start this position from 1 Jan 2018.

Yan’s manuscript on BESS-Rice has been submitted to Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. This is the first submission from our Cherwon paddy rice research!
Youngryel visited NASA Ames Center to discuss with Dr Rama Nemani. We discussed running BESS using GOES-R geostationary satellite datasets. It is a fascinating idea as land surface radiation/energy/CO2 flux could be mapped at sub-hourly scales. Will keep continue discussion.
Youngryel gave an invited talk at UC Berkeley Geospatial Group (Profs Dronova, Biging, Radke), entitled “Land-atmosphere interactions across multiple spatial and temporal scales from plot to the global scales”
Ke Liu from Ningxia University in China is visiting the lab for two months (Nov-Dec) funded by his university. He will study BESS ET and apply to semi-arid region ecohydrology research. Welcome Ke! Group lunch-

An NRF project for Korea-Canada cooperation, entitled “Near-surface remote sensing of canopy photosynthesis and evaporation fluxes across a latitudinal permafrost gradient in northwestern Canada” has been funded! Partner PI is Prof Oliver Sonnentag at Université de Montréal. It is a two year project and we are going to develop inexpensive sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence sensor and deploy in Oliver’s flux tower sites.
Ben and Jongmin made an experimental grass plot on roof-top of CALS building. We are going to test diverse methods in measuring and extracting SiF signals.

Jeehwan has collected deep soil samples from impervious surface. Most of work was done at night!

Lab group lunch!

Youngryel gave a talk at Carnegie Global Ecology Departmental Seminar, entitled “Success and challenges in upscaling of CO2 fluxes from leaf to the global scales.” Youngryel met Prof Harold Mooney in the seminar!
Kaiyu Guan invited Youngryel to visit UIUC. Youngryel gave a talk at USDA Global Change and Photosynthesis Research, entitled “Success and challenges in upscaling of photosynthesis from leaf to global scales.” Youngryel also met his first graduate student, Hyungsuk. Had nice discussion with Carl Bernacchi and Lisa Ainsworth. Very joyful time.

Youngryel was invited to give the keynote speak at at the COST Action ES1309 “Optimise” (LINK) in Sofia, Bugaria between Feb 28 and Mar 2, 2018 . It will be an excellent chance to share our lab works to the spectral community.
Youngryel gave a talk at Climate Brownbag Seminar, Lawrence Berkeley Lab, entitled “Success and challenges in high resolution remote sensing of global terrestrial radiation, energy and CO2 fluxes.” On the same date, Youngryel met Dennis at 0800hh which was Youngryel’s working time during PhD. We had very nice discussions on California ET, global carbon cycles.

Youngryel gave a departmental seminar at Stanford Earth System Science about hyper-resolution remote sensing of global radiation-energy-carbon fluxes
Solar radiation manuscript has been accepted for publication in Remote Sensing of Environment!! It was initiated in 2012 and finally will be published. Persistence pays off!
Ryu, Y.*, Jiang, C., Kobayashi, H., Detto, M. (2017) MODIS-derived global land products of shortwave radiation and diffuse and total photosynthetically active radiation at 5 km resolution from 2000. Remote Sensing of Environment In press
Youngryel attended the Keck workshop, Next-Generation Approach for Detecting Climate-Carbon Feedbacks: Space-Based Integration of Carbonyl Sulfide (OCS), CO2, and Solar Induced Fluorescence (SIF). It was YR’s first attend to Keck workshop, which was so inspirational. A lot of fun stuff, relaxed atmosphere, and many discussion.

Jeehwan’s son, Jay, is celebrating his first birthday! Congratulations!

Jeehwan and Jongmin worked with Princeton team in installing mobile air quality sensors in Seoul City Bus

This year, ripening rice experienced hard time. Abnormally high rainfall in August. Also diffuse PAR sensor was “rotated”, which was fixed by Yorum.

Chongya gave a lecture on remote sensing of global carbon cycles in BK summer course.
Congratulations Jungeun for her birthday and successful completion in her internship! She contributed to a series of field trips/data processing/analysis during her internship.

Youngryel enjoyed the Rocky Mountain trip which included Banff, Waterton, Glacier, Yellowstone National Parks.
Yan attended AsiaFlux meeting in Beijing. She gave a talk about her BESS-Rice work.
Our lab submitted six abstracts to AGU Fall Meeting.
Lab folks visited the paddy rice site and found heterogeneous structure/color…!

Jeehwan’s manuscript has been accepted for publication in Landscape and Urban Planning! This is his 2nd paper in this journal. Congratulations Jeehwan!
Youngryel started a one year sabbatical leave in Carnegie Institution for Science, Stanford at Joe Berry lab. Youngryel brought all his four family. Joe picked them up at SFO airport and provided a bike to Youngryel. Very smooth transition to this new position and atmosphere. Thanks a million to Joe.
Happy birthday Chongya!

Farewell lunch for Youngryel!

Our intern Jung-Eun joined to the field trip to Taehwa mountain. She measured leaf area index using digital camera!

Happy birthdays to Ben and Yunah!

Prof Elie Bou-Zeid from Princeton Univ is visiting us during the last week in this month. We are collaborating for “sensing Seoul” project (PI: Elie) funded by Princeton Univ, which will appear at Seoul Biennale. Basic idea is to make a module of micro-sensors that measures CO2, temperature, humidity, particulate matter, O3 and to visualize those environmental information in real-time. Our past experience in 4S well matches with this effort.

Jeehwans’ manuscript has been determined as a minor revision from Landscape and Urban Planning!
Chongya’s GCB paper is now on-line! Click HERE
Youngryel attended Fluxnet workshop, Photosynthesis Symposium at Berkeley. Reunion with Biomet folks.

Youngryel visited Joe Berry at Carnegie to prepare sabbatical leave. Official starting date is July 18th!

Chongya’s manuscript has been accepted for publication in Global Change Biology!! Big congratulations Chongya-
We purchased one red parasol to make shadow in the field!

We have been thinking how to isolate methane emission sources. The bubbles in the water likely indicate there are methane emissions through ebullition!

Yorum transplanted rice around the flux tower where the farmer did not transplant. She carefully calculated stem density in the plot and applied the same density in the empty spot around the tower.

Youngryel and Chongya joined the FLUXCOM workshop held in Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena, Germany. We reported recent progress in BESS. Very nice weather, people and foods! Thanks Martin and Markus for organizing this nice workshop!

Birds made a nest inside the internet/power converter box at Taehwa mountain. Birds invaded through a small hole (a coin size). Countless unexpected issues in field observations! We are learning the nature.

Irrigation started! Lab members visited and calibrated all LED spectral sensors and conducted spectral calibration for QEPro and Jaz with a light source.

RSE class students at Interdisciplinary Program in Agricultural and Forest Meteorology visited Taehwa Mt, a part of SNU forest, to see spectral systems including SiF, Jaz, 4S. Also Prof Hyun-Seok Kim introduced the forest and Prof Eunwoo Park, director of NCAM, supported beef dinner.

FluoWat arrived! Luis Alonso at University of Valencia kindly made this apparatus. FluoWat is connected to ASD-FieldSpec with filters, which enable us to measure sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence directly. It will be a main tool to scale up SiF from leaf to canopy scale.

Jongmin installd QEpro and Jaz in an evergreen forest site at Taehwa Mountain. Joe Berry and Larry Giles kindly shared their temperature controller box with us. We used Rotaprism for QEpro system which works with a single fiber with a single spectrometer. Ari and Joe kindly shared their accumulated knowledge and detailed specs. We truly appreciate their kindness!

Ben, Yorum, Jonming and Kaige went to CRK and did Kautsky effect experiment using spectrometers with different spectral resolution

Kaige made a success in a half-marathon in Kyungjoo! Congratulations!!

Li-COR visited SNU to offer Li-6400 (6800) training course. Yorum, Kaige and Soyoun joined and enjoyed learning.

We had a group dinner to welcome Ben Dechant and Yunah Lee to join the lab!

Ben Dechant joined the lab as a postdoc for SiF project! He is from Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Germany. Welcome!! With his main toy, Li-6800 with fluochamber in below photo.

Juwon and Kaige visited Cherwon site and tested Kautsky effect.

Youngryel, Jongmin and Yorum visited Taehwa Mountain. We are going to install a SiF system in the tall tower located in an evergreen forest.

Jeehwan’s soil respiration manuscript has been submitted to Landscape and Urban Planning. Fingers crossed!
Bae, J., Ryu, Y.* (2017) Spatial and temporal variations in soil respiration among different land cover types under wet and dry years in an urban park. Landscape and Urban Planning In review
Juwon graduated! He has joined the lab as a master course student.

Prof Hiroyuki Muraoka from Gifu University in Japan visited us and gave a lecture, entitled “Photosynthesis and phenology of a deciduous broadleaf forest ecosystem: findings by long-term observation and open-field warming experiment at Takayama site, Japan.” We discussed near-surface remote sensors, phenology, photosynthesis, and most of all, Vcmax!

Prof Donggil Kim visited us and discussed with Jeehwan about soil respiration manuscript. He appeared in below photo which celebrated Jonmin’s birthday!

Chongya was awarded the “Best Paper Award by Research Institute for Agricultural and Life Sciences in Seoul National University” with his 2016 RSE paper!! Big Congratulations Chongya!!!!
Hideki Kobayashi, Kazu Ichii, Yuji Yanagi from JAMSTEC visited us. They are the PI of LAI and GPP/NPP products in the GCOM-C JAXA satellite mission, and decided to use BESS as their global GPP algorithm. We discussed details in BESS. Very excited to see BESS will be embedded in GCOM-C GPP product! They brought their alma mater/current institute symbols (Tokyo Institute of Technology and JAMSTEC).

Jongmin has been developing Rotaprism, inspired by Joe Berry. Our system differs from Joe’s one as we use electricity to control rotation of prism. This will be installed in a tall forest SiF system. He is testing and we wish we could control all in Rotaprism.

Li-6800 with fluorescence chamber has arrived! It will be the main weapon for leaf-level chlorophyll fluorescence studies.

Chongya’s family hosted a lab dinner at a lamb’s grill restaurant to celebrate Lunar New Year. Yan’s husband directly moved from Gimpo airport to the dinner. It was the last dinner for Buyoung who will leave the lab and start a PhD course at Ewha Womans University.

Youngryel attended FLEX2017 meeting ( in ESA (European Spacy Agency), Frascati, Italy. A full of exciting SiF studies appeared. Youngryel gave a presentation on measuring SiF in a paddy rice site. FLEX mission which will be launched in 2022 is really exciting one.

A set of SiF system (QEPro + fiber optics) arrived! It will be installed in a tall coniferous forest site. We are working with Joe Berry to replicate his Rotaprism system and temperature controller which will be coupled with QEpro.

Colby and Megan from University of Arkansas visited us for one week. They visited our field site, and discussed modeling evaporation in paddy rice.
