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2019 News

Updated: Jan 10, 2022


  1. Farewell 2019! The last group photo in 2019.

  1. We learned that our proposal for global crop monitoring system has been funded by Rural Development Agency! It is a four year project with much ambitions. We are all excited about this great news.

  2. We had a group dinner with Ben’s family. Just before Christmas!

  1. AGU! Total 8 members joined this time. Very productive, fun, joyful time.

  1. In AGU, we had a group dinner with former member, Chongya’s family. Two kids grew up amazingly!

  1. We had a lunch with Joe Berry and Martin Beland during AGU. Further below figure is lunch with Grayson and Yelu.

  1. During the AGU, as usual, Berkeley Biomet reunion lunch was held. Wonderful! YR met many old friends.



  1. Very busy month with many proposal and report dues. We submitted two proposals that include global crop monitoring and linking forest spectral properties with carbon fluxes.

  2. Juwon’s birthday. Congratulations!

  1. All group members joined to the event that celebrates 10th year anniversary of National Center for Agro Meteorology.

  1. Youngryel gave a departmental seminar at Atmospheric Sciences, Yonsei University, entitled “Shaking hands between atmospheric radiation and canopy photosynthesis: why do we need Fraunhofer lines and O2A bands?”

  2. Ben’s paper has been published in Remote Sensing of Environment! His first paper in our group. Very rich paper that fully explored observation/simulation of hyperspectral data (reflectance vs radiation) to track canopy GPP.

Dechant, B., Ryu, Y.*, Kang, M. (2019) Making full use of hyperspectral data for gross primary productivity estimation with multivariate regression: Mechanistic insights from observations and process-based simulations. Remote Sensing of Environment 234, 111435. [HTML] [PDF]


  1. In a wonderful fall day, we had an amazing group photo taken by Youngbeum with Seungjun’s new iPhone.

  1. We hosted a self-evaluation meeting of the urban sensing project. We invited Drs. Jungho Im (UNIST), Eunseok Lee (AURI) and Chunghyeon Oh (Dongguk University) as the committee member.

  1. 3D printer arrived! First work, Ryan.

  1. Vaibhav joined the lab as a new postdoc for the urban project. He is from IIT from India, which increase the diversity of our lab!

  1. Jina Jeong, our former lab member, visited the lab and gave a seminar on her PhD work, tree ring and carbon cycle, in Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. She is working with Sebastiaan Luyssaert.

  1. We had a farewell dinner for Tobias who visited 1.5 month as a part of his internship at Friedrich-Schiller University.

  1. Qu Sai joined the lab as a visiting student over two years. She is funded by China Scholarship Council. She will study vegetation dynamics in Yangtze River Basin.

  1. Youngryel and Ben joined Asiaflux meeting in Takayama, Japan. We had wonderful time with many colleagues including Berkeley Biomet, Kenlo Nishida Nasahara, Jason Beringer, Dario Papale, Ben Bond-Lamberty.



  1. Ben’s manuscript has been accepted for publication in Remote Sensing of Environment! Very proud of this paper. It is incredibly comprehensive via data and model integration, amazingly insightful with so deep analysis.

Dechant, B., Ryu, Y.*, Kang, M. (2019) Making full use of hyperspectral observations for gross primary productivity estimation with multivariate regression: Mechanistic insights from observations and process-based modeling. Remote Sensing of Environment In press

  1. Youngryel attended a steering committee meeting for ECOPROPHET project meeting in Brussel, Belgium. Also met former lab member Jina and her adviser Sebastiaan Luyssaert in Amsterdam.

  1. Tobias Schelte is visiting us for 1.5 month as a part of internship in his master course at Friedrich-Schiller University, Jena. Welcome Tobi!

  1. Tobias gave a talk in the lab meeting about his work and enjoyed field trip in our rice paddy flux tower site.

  1. We are testing our drone based hyperspectral imaging system in “drone park”, Seoul. Many challenges are ahead, so excited!



  1. Youngryel attended ARD19 workshop held in USGS Menlo Park, and gave a talk about “CubeSats as a new tool to monitor canopy photosynthesis.” YR also visited Joe Berry at Carnegie Institute at Stanford to discuss about remote sensing of photosynthesis.

  1. After the ARD19 workshop, Youngryel gave a seminar in Planet Labs in San Francisco hosted by Rasmus Houborg. Observed full of passion and energy of the company.

  1. Youngryel attended AGU Chapman Conference held in Scripps Institution of Oceanography. YR gave a poster presentation about our SiF works. Had reunion of Berkeley Biomet folks!

  1. Jongmin attended 20th Anniversary meeting of Korean Society of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology in Jeju Island. He gave a poster about 4S-SiF system.

  2. Wonseok graduated and entered the lab as a master course student. Welcome!

  1. Youngryel attended AOGS meeting in Singapore and gave in invited talk, “Mapping evapotranspiration from plot to global scales with a coupled process model forced with multiple satellite remote sensing datasets.”

  2. Summer intern students, Jinwook and Youngbum did amazing works on combining mobile LiDAR and Street view images to quantify urban trees. Still more works are required but bright, exciting future is coming.



  1. Four intern students started for this summer. Jinwook and Youngbeum will work on tree and species detection using Google Street View, LiDAR with machine learning. Jungho and Sungchan will study SiF and their applications. Welcome! Below is proposal presentation by Youngbeum.

  1. Carnegie DGE Yelu’s escape ration paper has been published from Remote Sensing of Environment! This is the outcome from intensive collaboration between us.

  2. New server arrived, which add 100 TB more storage and 36 more CPUs into our system

  3. Headwall Nano hyperspectral imaging system arrived. Will be used in the urban project for monitoring plant physiological status.

  1. Youngryel and Bolun attended 10th CCS forum. Bolun gave a presentation about filter based SiF camera.

  1. Youngryel visited a flux tower site maintained by National Institute of Agricultural Sciences.

  1. Jongmin has been collecting great datasets in an evergreen needleleaf forest site. See his smile!

  1. We are planning a technology transfer of 4S to one company. Had a meeting with SNU patent attorney and learned a LOT about this new world.



  1. Wonseok joined the lab as a master course student. Welcome!

  2. We have submitted two manuscripts led by Benjamin and Jeehwan. Fingers crossed!

  3. Dennis Baldocchi from UC Berkeley visited us for the whole one week. We hiked the Gwanak Mt on first date! Crystal sky, fresh air, beautiful landscape in Seoul City.

  1. Dennis gave three lectures. Many students/researchers joined to his lectures. Some traveled 4 hours. His lectures included “Role of Restored Wetlands as Natural Carbon Sinks”, “The Physics and Ecology of Mining Carbon Dioxide from the Atmosphere by Plants, Trees and Ecosystems”, and “Shaking Hands between Eddy Fluxes and Remote Sensing: Lessons Learned: 1982-2019.”

  1. We had a nice field trip with Dennis for the rice paddy flux tower site.

  1. Jongmin visited Scotty Creek and Mer Bleue in Canada as a part of Korea-Canada collaborative project. Oliver Sonnentag kindly arranged his trips. He stayed in Scotty Creek without any wash for one week. His 4S-SiF sensor was successfully installed.

  1. Urban project meeting was held in Gwangkyu Lake Park, Suwon City. After the meeting, we visited the lake site and looked around. Very big, well managed park. We will do intensive field observations in this park.

  1. All PI meeting in the urban project was held in Seoul National University. We are making good progress!

  1. Happy birthday, Bolun and Ben!



  1. Sai Qu will join our lab as PhD visiting student for two years from this Sep. She is currently PhD student at Wuhan University, and she applied a fellowship proposal to Chinese Scholarship Council, which has been funded! She will work about vegetation-climate interactions in China using multiple satellite remote sensing datasets.

  2. Vaibhav Lodhi will join our lab for conducting a postdoc position for the urban sensing project. He is finishing PhD at Indian Institute of Technology with a major in hyperspectral/multispectral remote sensing. Very much look forward to having him in our group soon!

  3. Yelu’s RSE manuscript has been accepted for publication! That is a collaborative work with Carnegie DGE. Ben is now developing multiple manuscripts that extensively use Yelu’s escape ratio formula!

  4. Youngryel attended Living Planet Symposium held in Milan, and gave a talk about our BESS work, entitled “Breathing Earth System Simulator (BESS) as a flexible and scalable platform that integrates multiple remote sensing data to monitor land-atmosphere fluxes from plot to the global scale.” Also Youngryel convened one session with Micol Rossini, and attended one agora about remote sensing of photosynthesis- Youngryel met Colin Prentice and Ivan Janssens there and had good discussions.

  1. Our urban project made an MOU with Suwon City. Our project team will do intensive field works in Gwankyo Lake Park and develop technologies to monitor urban ecosystem structure and functions.

  1. Professor Taehee Hwang from Indiana University visited us and gave a lecture about drought response of tree species and PRI in Morgan Monroe State Forest (US-MMS).

  1. Jongmin has been developing 4S-SiF system, inexpensive SiF monitoring system, and we are almost there. Final test in the rooftop!



  1. Urban sensing project has been funded from Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute! It is ~3M$ project over the four years by the end of 2022. We are hiring one new postdoc! Please see HERE. Also we expect to hire one more postdoc next year.

  2. Ben, Jongmin and Yorum attended EGU meeting. Ben gave an oral presentation about SiF, and Jongmin and Yorum gave poster presentations about SiF data in a ENF site and carbon fluxes in a rice paddy.

  1. The rice paddy site in Cherwon is ready for irrigation!



  1. New postdoc, Bolun Li, arrived! He will focus on developing filter based SiF sensor and retrieving SiF from drone. Welcome Bolun!

  1. Jungho Lee from Kangwon National University started research internship for applying to Master course.

  2. Bolun, Yulin and Jungho attended LiCOR training course to learn Li-6800 instrument.

  1. Jongmin and Bolun visited Taehwa Mt site together. Jongmin showed our SiF system to Bolun

  1. We had a lab dinner to welcome Bolun and Jungho.

  1. Jongmin calibrated LED sensors in Taehwa Mt. Those sensors will be used to monitor multi layer canopy light environments and finally fPAR and LAI.



  1. Jeehwan and Juwon earned Master degrees! Congratulations!

  1. Youngryel gave a lecture in KARI (Korea Aerospace Research Institute) about “Global terrestrial remote sensing of carbon, energy and water fluxes: from platform to big science.”

  2. We had submitted a proposal about monitoring structure/functions of urban ecosystems across soils to vegetation. After intensive proposal preparations, had a lunch together

  1. Jongmin’s birthday! Congratulations!

  1. Reinstalled hyperspectral sensors in Cherwon rice paddy. Continuous monitoring of hyperspectral sensors (400-900 nm, 720-770 nm for SiF) over the four years in tandem with eddy flux measurements !



  1. Youngryel’s review paper with Joe Berry and Dennis Baldocchi about global photosynthesis has been accepted for publication in Remote Sensing of Environment! This is the outcome from sabbatical leave.

Ryu, Y.*, Berry, J.A., Baldocchi, D.D. (2019) What is global photosynthesis? History, uncertainties and opportunities. Remote Sensing of Environment 223, 95-114. [HTML] [PDF] (2019.03)

  1. Youngryel gave a lecture in National Institute of Agricultural Sciences about “Integration of near-surface and satellite remote sensing to monitor crop growth situations: from precision agriculture to the global crop monitoring.”

  2. Jongmin installed Moni PAM in the Taehwa ENF forest site. It will continuosuly monitor fluorescence, electron transport rate and quantum yield. Very much look forward to seeing the data from this cold winter to the warm spring first!

  1. Two visitors gave seminars. Our old member, Hyungsuk Kim (UIUC) gave a talk about temperature manipulation experiment and response of SiF. Our close collaborator, Kazu Ichii (Chiba Univ) gave a talk about Himawari geostationary satellite based land surface monitoring.

  1. Jeonghee Lee from UNIST visited the lab and stayed one week to study BESS. She is studying terrestrial photosynthesis with machine learning approaches.


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