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2020 News


  1. We contributed AGU Fall Meeting a lot! Two orals, seven posters. Yorum and Ben gave oral presentations.

  2. Two new members will join next year! Xing Li from UNH (Jingfeng Xiao’s group) will join us as a postdoc fellow for our global crop project. Sangjun Lee will join us next month as a field/lab technician to maintain our hyperspectral sites. Very much look forward to their join!

  3. Our living lab work collaborated with Paprika Data Lab appeared in KBS news [LINK]

  4. covid19 is around us. We have reduced the lab density less than 1/3. It will be a dark winter, but we will develop exciting science discoveries via on-line platform.

  5. Self-isolated life promoted to do forest walk. Gwanak Mt that surrounded our campus is beautiful. We see the beauty better.

  1. Jongmin and Sungchan visited Taehwa Mt for checking our hyperspectral system



  1. Our new postdoc, Sheir Afgen Zaheer, has joined the lab! He got the PhD from KAIST with ML, and will take the lead in global crop type mapping. Welcome Sheir!

  1. Two papers have been accepted for publications! Congratulations Juwon and Yulin! Those papers were their first journal publication

Yan, Y., and Ryu, Y*. (2021) Exploring Google Street View with Deep Learning for Crop Type Mapping. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing In press

Kong, J., Ryu, Y.*, Huang, Y., Dechant, B., Houborg, R., Guan, K., Zhu, X. (2021) Evaluation of four image fusion products against in-situ spectral-measurements over a heterogeneous rice paddy landscape. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. In press

  1. Youngryel was introduced in AGU Ecohydrology section:

  2. Juwon’s birthday! Congratulations!!

  1. Lab folks visited GDK site and installed a hyperspectral system.



  1. Our former lab member, Yan Huang, was appointed as an Assistant Professor at Qian Xuesen Laboratory of Space Technology, China Academy of Space Technology. Big congratulations Yan!!

  2. Lab folks visited Gwangneung deciduous forest to install a hyperspectral system. What a beautiful weather!

  1. YR invited Josh Fisher at NASA JPL to his class via zoom. Josh gave a wonderful lecture on ECOSTRESS followed by many questions by students!

  1. A series of Living Lab event were hosted by Paprika and our lab in Suwon city. We aim to host a half million citizens for the citizen science project.



  1. Jeehwan’s urban deep soil paper has been accepted for publication in Landscape and Urban Planning! Congratulations Jeehwan!

Bae, J., Ryu, Y.* (2020) High soil organic carbon stocks under impervious surfaces contributed by urban deep cultural layers. Landscape and Urban Planning 204, 103953. [HTML] [PDF]

  1. Jeehwan’s deep soil work was highlighted in Donga Ilbo [LINK]

  2. Yulin’s birthday! Congratulations!

  1. Did very comprehensive lab clean then waxing again. No dust, particularly during covid19!

  1. Smartphone based FLIR camera arrived! Will be useful toy.

  1. Visited the rice paddy site one day before harvest. Wonderful weather!

  1. Then our folks measured rice yield! Manual process.

  1. Visited the rice paddy site after harvest. Wonderful weather, again!

  1. Jongmin conducted several experiments in rooftop to test 4S-SIF sensor



  1. Subir Paul starts as “potential” postdoc of our global crop project. Because of covid19, he could not process paper works so could not enter S Korea. It will take some time, but luckily, he could start project works remotely. Welcome!

  2. Our alumna, Jane Lee, got married. Congratulations! Jongmin, Yorum, Seungjoon, Yunah and Youngryel joined the wedding and celebrated.

  3. We had a group zoom meeting with Dennis Baldocchi. We discussed

  4. Yunah has retired after completion of BK21 project. She has been wonderful jobs to set up administrative system in the lab. From almost nothing to the perfect. We truly appreciate your dedication, and wish your next career happy.

  1. Our new group photo with new members. We missed Suhyeon and Yunah!

  1. Wonseok’s birthday!



  1. Lab learned Youngryel will be promoted to full professor with tenured. Folks congratulated this important moment. Thanks all! This is a new start.

  1. We have submitted 12 abstracts to AGU Fall meeting. The biggest size AGU contribution in the lab history!

  2. We secured new space in the 1st floor of CALS building to reduce lab density. We have three new desks with curved monitor, so anyone can use those desks with their own laptop.



  1. Jiangong joins the lab as a postdoc fellow for our NRF BESS project! Welcome Jiangong-

  1. Congratulations for Vaibhav’s birthday!

  1. Congratulations for Ben’s birthday!!



  1. Our incoming postdoc, Jiangong, got married with Amelie! We very much look forward to hosting your couple.

  2. Chongya’s optimality based Vcmax manuscript has been accepted for publication in Global Change Biology!

  3. covid19 changed Teacher’s day ceremony.

  1. Wonseok is a professional drone operator!



  1. Social distancing has been kept with covid-19. Not so much news but we are making certain progress!

  2. Mobile LiDAR+RGB+APX system has arrived and installed! We will use this system to do massive scans for urban trees.

  1. Very neat design of 4S! Commercialized version by Soldan

  1. New storage system arrived. We have added another 120 TB to our server.



  1. We have been safe in this covid-19 outbreak! Bolun, Vaibhav and Seungjun works at home completely. The others who live in dormitory come to the lab when they want.

  2. Liguo Zhou sent a bunch of masks (N95 and surgical). What an amazing world with so kind people. We met in Asiaflux last year. Lab members highly appreciate his kindness. We also got other kind offers from Chinese friends who are willing to ship masks to us.

  1. Social distancing made people boring. We found many people visit the local urban park. Below is our study site taken by Yorum.

  1. Cherwon rice paddy site upgrade! The deck is now directly connected to the container.

  1. Yorum’s new tree built with 3D printer. She is testing tree volume estimates from LiDAR. This tree will serve as a reference.

  1. Pablo sent us his univ flag! It decorates our flag wall at the last position.



  1. Yorum’s paper for Cherwon rice paddy has been accepted for publication in Agricultural and Forest Meteorology! Congratulations!! This represents a good example, “persistence pays off!”

  2. Ben’s paper for SiF and GPP relationships in major crops has been accepted for publication in Remote Sensing of Environment!

  3. Yulin, Bolun, and Sai who visited hometown in China safely returned to Seoul during the Coronavirus outbreaks. We are all safe!

  4. Subir Paul accepted the offer for the postdoc position of global crop monitoring project. He is finishing PhD in Indian Institute of Science and will join us this June. Very much look forward to having you in the lab!

  5. Xingmei Xu joined the lab as a researcher! She will work in the global crop project.

  6. Suhyeon Lee joined the lab as admin staff. Yunah will work with us with BK21 project. Welcome Suhyeon!!

  7. Jongmin’s birthday. Congratulations!


  1. Global crop monitoring project by RDA (Rural Development Agency) has been funded! It is a four year project (2020-2023), and we are hiring two postdocs! HERE

  2. Linking forest spectral properties with geostationary satellite for mapping diurnal variations of photosynthesis has been funded by KOFPI (Korea Forestry Promotion Institute)! We will announce the postdoc opening soon. The project will start Apr 1st.

  3. Sungchan Jeong will join to our group as master course student. Welcome!

  4. We hosted Dr. Pablo Zarco-Tejeda from University Melbourne! He gave two lectures on hyperspectral remote sensing and we exchanged many ideas/plans for hyper/thermal remote sensing.


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