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Updated: Feb 2, 2024


  • This is our office view near Christmas~

  • Group photo at the end of year

  • Ryoungseob's birthday!

  • After AGU, some folks visited Yosemite National Park

  • Total 15 folks joined to the AGU Fall meeting. We learned a lot, and made many friends! Also it was a nice place to meet old and new members together

  • During AGU, Youngryel also joined Berkeley Biomet Lunch. So nice to meet old friends


  • Youngryel was selected in Highly Cited Researcher by Clarivate 2023 in cross-field area. This is the outcome from teamwork!

  • Ryoungseob's paper for tree counting and species detection has been published in ISPRS! Big congratulations! [HTML]

  • Sheir's manuscript for wall-to-wall in-season crop type mapping in US cornbelt has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing! Big congratulations!

  • Youngryel was offered an Editor position from Global Change Biology and has accepted it. Two Editor jobs: Remote Sensing of Environment, and Global Change Biology!

  • Yulin's manuscript for sustainable rice farming has been published in Agricultural and Forest Meteorology! Big congratulations! [HTML]

  • Jongmin visited us and gave a presentation about his SIF works in UVa and Harvard.

  • Yunsoo was awarded Digital Forest Application! Congratulations!

  • Sungchan was awarded from Intelligent Special Graduate Program! Congratulations!

  • Some lab folks attended Asiaflux held in Jeju island.

  • Youngryel served a lunch to Yiqi, Shuli, Remi, Hojeong and Hyungsuk during the Asiaflux meeting

  • Taiga Sasagawa from Tsukuba University visited us, and joined to the field trip and gave a lab seminar


  • Former postdoc, Chongya Jiang, was awarded the Excellent Young Scientist Program! This is a huge one for his career. Big congratulations!

  • Ben Runkle from University of Arkansas visited us and gave a lecture about rice farming in US.

  • Group lunch in a burger!

  • Huaize is Mario!

  • Beautiful fall season in Gwangneung forest


  • Changhyun got married! Congratulations!

  • Theo Keeping from UCL visited us and gave a presentation about his works on fire.

  • We prepared new sofa in the lab!

We had a group dinner in Hoam cafe


  • Xing's paper on detecting diurnal variation of GPP through geostationary satellite was published in Science Advances! Congratulations!

Li, X., Ryu, Y.*, Xiao, J., Dechant, B., Liu, J., Li, B., Jeong, S., & Gentine, P. (2023). New-generation geostationary satellite reveals widespread midday depression in dryland photosynthesis during 2020 western U.S. heatwave. Science Advances, 9, eadi0775 [HTML​]

  • Sai's greening S and N Korea paper has been published in Environmental Research Letters! Congratulations!

Qu, S., Ryu, Y.*, Liu, J., & Wang, J.A. (2023). Greening rate in North Korea doubles South Korea. Environmental Research Letters, 18, 084020 [HTML]

  • Bolun's BESSv2 manuscript has been published in Remote Sensing of Environment!! Congratulations!!

Li, B., Ryu, Y.*, Jiang, C., Dechant, B., Liu, J., Yan, Y., & Li, X. (2023). BESSv2.0: A satellite-based and coupled-process model for quantifying long-term global land–atmosphere fluxes. Remote Sensing of Environment, 295, 113696 [HTML]

  • Yorum's drought manuscript has been accepted for publication in Remote Sensing of Environment. Congratulations!!

Hwang, Y., Kim, J., & Ryu, Y.* (2023). Canopy structural changes explain reductions in canopy-level solar induced chlorophyll fluorescence in Prunus yedoensis seedlings under a drought stress condition. Remote Sensing of Environment, 296, 113733 [HTML]

  • Youngryel joined the LEMONTREE workshop at University of Reading.

  • Youngryel attended the expert workshop for geostationary satellites in Honolulu, Hawaii. Youngryel gave two presentations about 1) in-situ hyperspectral network and 2) monitoring diurnal GPP with geostationary satellites.

  • Photo with Rama Nemani and Kenlo Nishida Nasahara at geostationary satellite workshop. We first met at MODIS workshop in Montana, 2006.

  • Youngryel had a lunch with Qi Chen at Hawaii. We overlapped 6 months at UC Berkeley. He is the expert in LiDAR and we discussed collaborating forest C stock mapping.

  • Wonseok's birthday! Congratulations!

  • Hot weather can't resist Changhyun and Yunsoo's passion for science! They found the ground control point of forest inventory data in Gwanak Mt.

  • Amazing drone view on Jeju flux tower site in Jeju Island taken by Sangjun.


  • Youngryel gave an invited talk at Ameriflux webinar Year of Remote Sensing.

  • Youngryel, Tackang and Jeongho joined FLUXNET workshop at Brno, Czech Republic. Youngryel gave a talk about upscaling of fluxes via hyper resolution remote sensing in space, time and spectrum. Tackang and Jeongho gave poster presentations about their current works.

  • Youmi Oh at NOAA visited us and gave a presentation about global methane trends. We had a lunch together.

Youngryel, Sungchan, Seokjin and Jeongho joined NIFOS Forestry Satellite workshop at Daegu.

  • Field trip to Taehwa Mt in rainy day!

  • Happy Birthday Yunsoo!!


  • We had a kickoff meeting for the C-sink project, which is a 5 year project aiming to monitor land C fluxes at very high resolution in space and time. After the whole day workshop, we enjoyed the dinner together.

  • Youngryel attended CVPR conference at Vancouver. This was his first attendance to this computer science community. As the lab is doing a lot of computer vision works, it was a time to join. Learned very different culture, atmosphere, and style.

  • We had a farewell party for Daewon who did more than a half year internship and will start a new journey for programming after graduation. Good luck-

  • Ryoungseob is the king of competition! He won the 1st prize!

  • Healthy lab folks! They climbed up to the summit of Gwanak Mt.

  • Bibong wetland site! Drone by Sangjun.

  • Growing season! Folks visited Cherwon rice flux tower site


  • Juwon's superresolution manuscript has been published in ISPRS! Congratulations!!

Kong, J., Ryu, Y.*, Jeong, S., Zhong, Z., Choi, W., Kim, J., Lee, K., Lim, J., Jang, K., Chun, J., Kim, K.-M., & Houborg, R. (2023). Super resolution of historic Landsat imagery using a dual generative adversarial network (GAN) model with CubeSat constellation imagery for spatially enhanced long-term vegetation monitoring. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 200, 1-23 [HTML]

  • Youngryel gave an invited lecture for Forest Satellite Application Workshop.

  • We had a farewell party for Zilong. He will move to Alemu Gonsamo's group. Good luck for the next career and we truly appreciate your great contributions here!

  • Youngryel attended ARD2023 workshop at San Francisco. It was the 2nd attendance after ARD2019 workshop. Learned emerging techs, particularly hyperspectral cubesats.

  • Youngryel visited Dennis and Joe before/after the ARD workshop. Enjoyed nice time with mentors.

  • Happy Teacher's Day! Enjoyed a cake with lab folks. Also, Hyungsuk and Jeehwan served a nice lunch for Youngryel

  • Youngryel had a dinner with DOLA Startup community. We invited Jinwook and Youngbeum.

  • The lab hosted Open Lab for undergraduate students. A lot of students joined and enjoyed pizza together!

  • We set up a new flux tower site in a wetland. Bibong wetland at Hwaseong city.

  • Jeongho and Joonhwan did rice transplantation nearby tower structure. Growing season is coming up!


  • Our proposal for ecosystem carbon sink was funded by KEITI! This project will advance how to monitor C sinks across diverse ecosystems.

  • Juwon's superresolution manuscript has been accepted for publication in ISPRS! Big congratulations! [LINK]

  • What a wonderful month. Juwon got married! His paper was also accepted from ISPRS!

  • We had group dinner! After PI left, some folks had the 2nd party~

  • Lab folks enjoyed karaoke! We have so many excellent singers.

  • Pascal Schneider from University of Bern visited us and gave a talk about his photosynthetic acclimation to temperature.

  • Wonseok gave a talk about his drone based SIF retrieval work at ISRS 2023


  • Youngryel was invited to join Editorial Advisory Board in Global Change Biology. More service!

  • We have multiple undergraduate intern students. We celebrated Heeju and Seokjin's birthdays with drone images!


  • Zilong's Cloudformer manuscript was submitted to RSE! Crossed fingers!

  • Sheir's in-season crop type mapping manuscript was submitted to IEEE! Crossed fingers!

  • We have made two PhD and one master. Congratulations Drs. Juwon and Yorum, and Master Ryoungseob! We also made group photos.

  • Sangjun made awesome drone animations that introduce our sites. Enjoy our youtube channel:

  • Changhyeon was selected for military service at CALS. He will stay with us three years as a surrogate of military service. Congratulations!

  • Wonseok visited Pablo Zarco-Tejada group at U Melbourne for one month to collaborate airborne based SIF retrievals. He enjoyed both science and life, particularly, the amazing foods in the dormitory!

  • Sungchan returned to Seoul after one month visiting to Pierre Gentine's group. We welcomed him through burger.

  • Daewon's birthday!

  • Hard field trip! We were busy to reinstall all hyperspectral systems for all sites during the winter

  • Ryoungseob, DaeWon and Huaize visited National Institute of Agricultural Sciences in Jeonju to give special seminars on crop monitoring. They enjoyed great foods as well! Particularly, it was a memorable event for Huaize :)

  • Folks visited Cherwon site to install hyperspectral system, and enjoyed the yummy local foods.


  • Bolun's BESSv2 manuscript was submitted to RSE! Crossed fingers!

  • Jeongho invited lab folks for his sister wedding. Particularly, this was a special event for the international folks who never knew Korean style wedding.

  • Jeongho and Sangjun are testing SIF with BRF vs BHR with a single small tree

  • Seungjoon visited us during his holidays at home. He is currently working with Ying Sun at Cornell for PhD course. We welcomed him at burger.

  • Happy birthday, Changhyun!

  • We had a retreat workshop for the drone project at Gwanghwamun. Prof. Eun-Woo Park joined as a guest adviser. Our drone team, Profs Ghiseok Kim, Jehoon Lee, Hyungsuk Kimm and their students all joined.


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