Our alumni, Yorum Hwang was offered a faculty position from her alma mater, Dong-A University! Big congratulations!
Jianing Fang from Gentine group at Columbia visits us for one month to collaborate differentiable BESS. Particularly, we will focus on better representation of water stress effects. Welcome Jianing!

Meng-Lin Wu from Choy Huang group at National Taiwan University visited us to collaborate in-situ SIF observations. Welcome Meing-Lin!

Dr. Hanna Lee from Norwegian University of Science and Technology visited us and gave a seminar about permafrost carbon climate feedback.

We joined AGU! Many lab members gave presentations, and made many friends. Particularly, Tackang and Yunsoo made debut for AGU oral talks!

In AGU, our mentor, Dennis Baldocchi received Ambassador Award. Berkeley Biomet family gathered to celebrate this great achievement.

Youngryel was awarded SNU Excellence in Research Award.

Unusual heavy snow fell which made many evergreen trees collapsed.

Happy Birthday, Jisun!

Youngryel gave a lecture about SNU Excellence in Research Award

Ryoungseob got the drone license!

New group photo with some additions via photoshop!

Our former member, Dr. Jina Jeong visited us and gave a seminar on her dissertation.

Dr. Nicolas Coops from UBC visited us and we discussed several ongoing works.

Hanna Lee from Norwegian University of Science and Technology visited us and introduced her work about permafrost.

We had a farewell party for Liang Wan. He will join Philipphe Ciais group. Good luck for your next career-

Group lunch with burger-

Philippe Ciais visited us. He gave lecture and we enjoyed a lot of discussion across disturbance, mortality, crop yield, boreal, tropical, fire, deep learning, and so on! We arranged various meetings and meals for discussion!

Happy Birthday Yeji!

Pengfei Tang joined the lab as a postdoc for global crop monitoring! Welcome to join-

Lunch burger

Youngryel visited Beijing. Attended GCB editor meeting, and gave three talks in Tsinghua University, Carbon Neutrality Forum hosted by Peking University, and China Agricultural University. Met old friends and most of all, met our alumni such as Yan Huang and Xing Li!

Youngryel's birthday!

Happy Birthday Seongwoo!

Youngryel and Sungchan joined LEMONTREE annual science meeting at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. Sungchan gave a nice presentation about his LAI/fPAR work. Youngryel met Jina Jeong, our alumni who is working at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Gatekeepers of the lab!

Sangjun got married!!

Lab retreat in Yangpyeong. Thanks Yeji and Suhyeon to organize this great event!

Youngryel attended International CO2 conference (ICDC) in Manaus, Brazil.

Chongya, Jongmin and Yorum visited the lab. Great time to meet alumni at home.

Happy birthday, Wonseok!

Jisun did a hard work for leaf data collection in such hot days.

Cherwon flux tower site. Our longest data collection.

Rice folks visited RDA and gave a seminar.

Youngryel, Jeongho and Sungchan visited NIFOS Satellite Center

Happy Birthday, Yunsoo!

Sangjun got married! Huge congrats! Lab folks attended and congratulated

Youngryel, Tackang, Yunsoo joined Upscaling workshop at LBL. Youngryel gave an invited talk

During the upscaling workshop, Youngryel met Dennis.

We secured a new office which will hold our instruments and multiple desks.

We hosted a geostationary satellite workshop at Seoul National University. More than 30 people attended from multiple countries, and we had a fun time!

Youngryel, Sungchan and Jeongho visited NIFOS Satellite Center

Lei Fan from Southwest University visited us and we enjoyed discussion about L-VOD and biomass!

We invited Dr. Elias Kaiser from Wageningen University. He gave a seminar about fluctuating light and photosynthesis.

Changhyun gave a lab lecture about SAR!

Ben Dechant's family visited us! Welcome to your 2nd home!

Happy Birthday, Yeseul!

We hosted an open lab for undergraduate students

Happy birthday, our intern, Jiwon!

Happy Teacher's day!

Youngryel visited National Taiwan University hosted by Choy Huang. Youngryel gave two lectures, met a series of great scientists and students, and visited the Xitou Mountain.

Hyeyoung is an amazing farmer!

Lab enjoyed a nice hike in Gwanak Mt.

Transplanting rice!

Tackang gave a lab lecture about deep learning!

Pierre Gentine visited us. He gave two lectures, and we had numerous discussions across various topics.

Tackang volunteered deep learning tutorials!

Youngryel attended a hyperspectral remote sensing workshop at Valencia (EARSeL). Learned fast advancements in space borne hyperspectral imaging.

Lab retreat at Budlgol-

The lab prepares some experiment in the rooftop!

Koong Yi from Lawrence Berkeley National Lab visited us and gave a seminar about plant water relations.

Our discussion becomes intensive! Great culture!

Changhyun entered Military Training course. See you a few weeks later!

The lab enjoyed a retreat at Taehwa Mt-

Happy birthdays!

Tackang and Ryoungseob successfully completed their visiting at LSCE and INRAE. Thanks for Philippe and David for hosting our students!

Congratulations Seongwoo to earn BS degree! He will join the lab as master course student.

Ryoungseob gave a talk at INRAE about Google Earth Engine and crop monitoring

Tackang joined forest LiDAR workshop, AI4FOREST workshop in Muenster, Germany while he is visiting LSCE.

Sungchan visited Colin Prentice group as a part of secondment in LEMONTREE project. We collaborated the use of long-term vegetation data for photosynthesis estimates.

The lab made the lab hood T-shirt. It turns out that it is smaller than expected, but anyway they are happy! Thanks Jisun!

Tackang is visiting LSCE in Philippe Ciais group to develop collaboration in forest carbon stock mapping. Thanks Philippe to host Tackang!

Ryoungseob is visiting INRAE for David Makowski to collaborate in crop type and yield mapping. Thanks David to host Ryoungseob! Surprisingly, Ryoungseob got the single office!

Youngryel attended AGU Chapman Conference for remote sensing of water cycles in Hawaii.
Youngryel began serving as an Editor for Global Change Biology.
Ryoungseob, Tackang and Youngryel joined CES in Las Vegas and one workshop in Florida which are both supported by BK21 Smart City project. We also visited NASA JFK center.

Dr. Minki Hong from Princeton visited us and gave a seminar about his LSM work

We had a farewell party for Xing Li! He will join the faculty member at Sun Yat-sen University this Feb.
